Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Heading to the gym...

Whats up ya'll-
Im heading to the gym to train arms but I wanted to remind you that I'm on WEBCAM tonight at 10PM EST

YES, the comment boxes are once again Giz-on, BEEEE-cause of the dumbasses that are trying to wish an atoms-apple upon me ...haha, I don't have one nor do I want one! Seriously, what their deal is and why they have an obsession with atoms-apples may never be known?! I'm just tired of taking the time to delete the comments everytime they feel the need to confess their obsessions on MY blog... It takes way too long to delete SO just email your comments to me at the email address that you all have access to at the top of my blog... "Email Britt" ...It's all good ;)

Anyways, I'll be back soon, I've had a few interesting days so I'll have to tell ya about them latA ...Aight, so I'll talk soon...
Love my oh-so-wonderful fans :)