Another Beach Picture...
Just done eating and cleaning the kitchen. I'm sitting here at the computer and I can hear my washing machine all the way in here, lol, it's so darn loud. My little girl is out in her pin. She's getting so big and she is soooooo wild so I have been keeping her outside. I have to be careful when I go in her pin to change her water or feed her because she digs holes - they are everywhere and I've almost busted my butt a few times. I guess she thinks she can dig herself an underground tunnel ...who knows what she's thinking - she's a crazy pup - and I love her to death! I sprayed her down a few times today with cold water since it's been so hot outside - she loves it! Then she rolls in the dirt for the next 10 minutes and gets all muddy. I came home from the gym today and was planning to go to the pool for a little while - Once I got home and ate I decided that I'd just lay out back and tan for a bit. Glad I didn't go bc I stayed out there for about 45 minutes and couldn't stand it anymore so I had to come in. I got some good sun tho.
I've been dieting a little and doing some cardio. Cardio is sooo brutal, lol. I try to think positive thoughts about it - thinking it'll make it not so bad ...ya, it doesn't work that well. It just seems endless I guess - takes forever. Cardio is always better at the gym cause I can people watch. Here I just stare at the wall, lol. My trophies are right infront of me so I look at those alot - think about the different times I competed and things that happened along the way ...Believe it or not, looking at them does motivate me sometimes. Makes cardio seem worth something ...sometimes, ahaha.
I gotta say Congratulations to Miss Cindy Phillips because she looks PHENOMONAL!!!!! The next soon to be Canadian PRO ...Middleweights are going to be blown away by her 5-foot diesel-stacked-ripped but yet beautiful feminine stature ...I keep saying amazing bc I can't think of any other word, lol, it's the only one that suits her ...She is just amazing ...I'm sure she will post an up-to-date pic before she leaves for Edmonton tomorrow morning ...and you'll see what I'm talking about ...just amazing. She's like 3 days out and as fuller than I have EVER been ONstage, lol, seriously. I don't know how tha girl does it but she manages to NEVER go flat. You take my carbs away for 1 day and I look like wet noodle, ahahhaha. ANyways - this is not about me, It's about Cin go get em baby and show em all that you've worked for!!!! I miss ya! Me and Cin talked this morning on the phone - I was like whats upo, wacha doin ...she said she was doing her last cardio session for the rest of the year, hahah, i was laughing.
Okey Dokey ...Im getting tired - I think Im going to head to bed soon ...that's bad huh - it's only 730 haha :) Sleep is very important to me ... #1 on my to-do list, lol. I'll prob update yas tomorrow maybe with a pic ...I'm getting my hair done ...gonna get something done that none of you have ever seen ...hope ya like it ...hope I like it :)
Love You
B :-)