I have been working and just hanging out. I've got the itch to go back to school! I think I am applying to start back in the Spring - maybe - not sure if I want to go back to CRNA school or Nurse Practioner school ...such a hard decision. CRNA is #1 but requires much more before applying. I wouldn't be able to apply until the Spring of next year (2009) and then probably wouldn't get to start for 1-2 years later (2011 maybe) then I'd be in school for 2 years. Nurse Practioner school I could start in the Spring of this year (if accepted - 25 people per year accepted) and be finished in 2 years ...sooooooo dunno just yet ....so I;m just having fun right now until something sparks my interest ...Here is me and my friend Meg before going out the other night. It was so funny - we learned the Soulja Boy Dance, LOL ...freaking hilarious!!
The year is starting off good for me. I am going to be starting Boxing lessions (which I LOVE) - I was kickboxing a few years ago with a past world champion, Randy Smith. But went off to college and unfortunatly stopped :( But I miss it and have been wanting to get bk to it. When I went to LA in November I went to Randy Couture's Training Gym, that really made me want to get back into it. It's sooo fun and it's a hellova workout!
Here is my new BABY!!!! OMG I LOVE IT!!! CHECK IT OUT ...2007 CBR600RR - IT'S SICK!!
Alright guys...Gotta go to sleep
B :-)