Got back from the most awesome trip ever yesterday. Me and Cin had the best time in Vegas with Mike and Rikki! We were really catered to while we were there ...thanks Mike and Rikki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and Cin spent every second of the day with each other; it was sooo hard to say goodbye at the end of the week! We're so much alike, personality and all, that it's just crazy. She's my new bestest friend :) and not to mention new sister ...I swear, everywhere we went we were asked "Are you 2 sisters? You are, right?" ...Of course we told them that we were!!!!!! :) We were starred at everywhere that we went ...but it wasn't so uncomfortable since we were together- Guess it's just odd to see TWO female BB's together considering the way FEMALE BB is dying out now. But we enjoyed the stares, fun stuff :)
Aside of all the awesome shoots we did (tell ya about them later) we pretty much just goofed off and had a good time together! THe first day we were there, God forbid, we decided to go get our hair and nails done at a local salon and spa ...CIndy's hair turned out beautiful! and everything was fine and dandy for me at first- Cin was getting her hair done and I was getting my nails done. We decided that it would be best just for me to get my hair touched up since it didn't really need it ...so i did... and it was the worst mistake ever!!!!!!!!!!! This girl with black hair and blobs of crayon color red in her hair was apparently the one that was gonna do my hair ...ok, ya know, everyione has a diff style, so whatever, go ahead and do your thing ...wel was thatb a bad idea or what??!! I'd say YES! She finished, rinsed my hair, and began to dry it. I hadn't seen it yet but I could tell tha it didn't feel right for some reason ...just weird. Then when it was dry, she started running this crappy ass straightner thru it ...I was getting pissed bc I could tell that it wasn't working and it was just pulling the hell outta my hair ...so she says, OK!!!, IM DONE!!!, HERE IS THE FINISHED PRODUCT!!!! I took one look and flarred up ...I was so so pissed ...This girl was almost reaching that level where you can't take it anymore, ya know??!! So, to make the story more simple and SHORT, I expressd my feelings about my hair and how I thought it was god awful and actually looked gray ...yea, and well she was like lets go outside in the sunlight ...I was lkike NO!!! It looks like shit, light is light, im not blind... and she kept combing my hair and rubbing her hands thru it ..OMG I swear I was about to knock her out ...ABOUT THIS TIME ...Cindy was getting pissed at her too ...I kept looking at CIn and I could tell that she just wanted to bust out laughing bc that girl was making me sooooo mad, lol. Anyways, needless to say, I came back the next morning and SOMEONE ELSE fixed my hair for FREE :):):):)

We trained together 3 times in Vegas. Tice at Gold's and once at Las Vegas FItness Center ...which was absolutly HUGE! It was so nice. We trained arms, legs, and chest and shoulders ...It was great! I wish she was around all the time to be ale to train with! I'm going to see her when she competes in the Canadian NAtionals and hopefully shes coming to visit b4 I start work!!!!!

We ate sooo much food the entire time! we were like lil piggies, lol. Always had some kind of food in our hands :) Mike and Rikki were always laughing at how often we were eating. We went to the new buffet in the Wynn and it was sooo great! SOOO much food. We had a bunch of steak, potatoes, rice, salad, chicken ad to end it all, tons of dessert! We looked like 2 lil bloated blimps when we left there, lol :)

We went shopping at the Fashion Show mall one day and this HUGE striper store another day. We bought soo much stuff at the stripper store for photo shoots but we saved a lot of it for contest-shape. When we were checking out the guy had to ive us stripper names so we could get a discount ...so he called us Daisy(cindy) and Bunny(me), lol, how in the hell did he come up with "BUNNY"????!!!!

We went out to the nightclub Tryst Thursday night. It was unbelievible ...sosos nice and classy. Had a waterfall right smack in the middle of the club! While we were getting ready to go out we were having a few drinks and being our crazy selves ...so we videoed each other around the house acting like we were on the MTV reality show CRIBS ...hahahhaha, it was hilarious!!!! I think we watched that tape like 50x the next day and laughed our asses off. Cin has the tape and I thnk is sending it to MIke to post on out sites ...you'll see our carzy sides and see how alike we really are, lol.

I was going to unpack but am leaving for the beach this week so I figured id just leave it all packed. Ive got shit everywhere! I got my authorization to test in the mail for my nursing license :):):):) This allows me to take the nursing boards to be able to practice nursing in this state. I'm goign to take the test a few weeks after I get bk from vacation. We were told not to make an appointment to go take it until we had studied for 2 weeks straight, 3 hours a day!!!! Man, that sucks, but I guess ill do it, gotta pass, right???!!! Alrighty, well, ima head out for now ...im taking my computer with me to the beach so ill stay in touch and will post some pics from the beach as well!!!! Finally got a new camara!!!!
I MISS YA LOVE YA CINDY!!!! ...or should I say Daisy, lol!!!!