Friday, June 03, 2005

Going away for the weekend...

Hey guys,
I am heading to the beach this afternoon for a wedding. Not wanting to drive all that way but hopfully it will be nice and sunny and I'll get a tan. I will take lots of pics for you all since I can dl pics from my dig cam now :) I just want to say sorry to you all for the weirdo-drama that has been going on ...hopfully it will be resolved when I return!! I just don't understand what drives people to do things like that!? ...pretending your someone else so you can find out personal things about others ...that's just wrong and down right nasty ...and they changed my password to the gmail acct so I havn't been using it for the past 2 days and will not be ever again- But I will get you all a new address to email me at- when I get one I will post an announcment on here(my blog)! I'm over it though, and Cindy, don't you worry about it either girl and as you asked earlier about msn ...I don't even have an msn screen name and it makes me mad that they are still trying to finds ways to protrude! Just don't talk to anyone that says they are me until we talk on the phone, I'll get in touch with you I promise and we will get it all straightened out! Anyways, aside from all that,
I trained shoulders today at a different gym than I usually train at ...just to change the enviornment a little bit, ya know?! I need to do that every once in awhile to change things up. I am starting to feel a little weaker since it's getting closer to showtime and since I am still losing weight every week ...but workouts are still good and strong! I can still do 275 on dead lifts for 6 reps so I think I'm hangin in there. I'm about to head out and do my cardio before I leave guys, but I will be back in touch when I get home later this week. Hope you are enjoying the site- OH YEAH... I GET TO CHEAT THIS WEEKEND ...YAY!! Hmm, what do I want, cheeseburger and cookies ...Mmmmm, sounds good to me!! Haha, talk soon guys!
Here is a pic for ya from Florida at 11 weeks out :) Enjoy!