Friday, June 17, 2005

missed ya!!

Hi guys!!
I just got my new computer! I was about sick of not being able to get on the internet whenever I wanted to ...I missed ya'll :( haha. Anyways, I'll update ya on everything that has happened this past week. Monday, I set off to ECU to move my furniture to my new apartment. I think I had to stop about 3 times on the side of the rd because a drawer kept flying out of my dresser and hitting the back glass of the truck. By the time I got there I think I had my whole dresser wrapped in red duct-tape, haha, it was so funny. Then I got settled in all day tuesday and got some things moved from my old apartment to my new one. I went to the student rec center and trained chest and triceps that night and finished up with cardio. I noticed that I was feeling really weak an dsick to my stomach as I was leaving the gym. I figured it was just because I hadn't had carbs in a few days and my body was just tired from not getting enough sleep. I thought wrong because that night I was miserably sick. I thought I had food poisioning but my body was aching really bad so I didn't know if it was that or if I was getting the flu. I had to go to class that next morning and give a presentation for my class ...seemed like it took forever! THe professor let me leave after I presented since she could see that I was not the same Britt she was used to. Went bk home and slept alllllll day. Didn't eat the entire day ...I tried eating my steak and potatoes that morning and there was no hope ...You know its serious when britt can't put down some food :)
Got up the next morning and drove myself to the store, got some medicine and soup and finally started feeling better ...came home thursday to my new computer which made a lot of things better! I had planned on coming home wednesday bc I had to get my hair done thurs morn but its now rescheduled for next week. I can't wait ...think ima go with a little more blonde :) sounds good to me! Until today(friday), the last time I trained was tuesday before I got sick :( I hated not beingable to get up and train. Yea, I lost some weight and size since I wasn't eatin or training, but don't worry, now I'm even more determined to get bk in the gym, put my size bk on, and look even better than before!!! You can count on that!! I got up this morn and did my cardio and then headed to the gym to train legs. I was really weak compared to the usual so I decided that I would just do a low weight burnout session ...Started with hams, moderate weight lying curls for 3 sets, 16 reps each then did one legged curls for the same. I did 4 different types of squats for 3 sets apeice and 16 reps each: regular, front, wide, and together. Then I did 3 sets of lunges for 30 reps each. Finished with extensions, squeezing with every rep until I couldn't move my legs another inch. This sounds like a foo-foo (haha) workout but it really kicked my butt, especially since I wasn't fully recovered from being sick. Came home, ate, showered, and went back before the gym closed to train back and do the rest of my cardio. This went a little better then the leg workout, had more energy for some reason!? Still didn't go as hard and heavy as I usually do but I'll be bk to normal soon :) I taped the back workout today so you all will get to see just how much size can be lost from not training or eating for a few days. It's amazing how much of a toll it takes on your body! You will see how much weaker I was compared to the usual! It's amazing to see and look at but it sucks to experience it! Anyways- I am heading to bed after I eat me some chicken and shrimp, yumyum :) Tomorrow morning I am traveling to meet with the guy that is helping me with my posing routine for the USA's. Only 6 more weeks ya'll !! It's sneaking up on us, I am ready for it now but I know I will be sad when it's all said and done! Hope you will be there cheering me on, or if you can't be there I hope you will still be cheering for me! Thanks guys for all your support throughout my dieting and preparation for the USA's! I am training shoulders tomorrow and maybe some bi's and tri's too- whenI get bk from practicing my posing. So I wil update you on how I am feeling and looking tomorrow since I have a working computer:) Hope you all have a wonderful night- love yas :)
talk tomorrow-